These events usually include Pathfinder and / or Starfinder games or demonstrations for you to enjoy.


ConTingency, Hunstanton 27 January – 3 February 2025

If you fancy a complete gaming binge over several days, in a holiday camp at Hunstanton, by the sea, then ConTingency is for you! Officially, it runs from Wednesday to Sunday but some die-hards start on Monday and binge for a full week. The lodges are self-catering so it can be very economical but if you prefer to be looked-after there are some excellent hot food cafés and friendly bars.

It's no exaggeration to say that you can play any game under the sun here. There will be everything from core favourites, like D&D and Cthulhu, to proud indies like Blades in the Dark, Dee Sanction and the most obscure and self-written delights. Every day, sign-up sheets go on the noticeboards for new games. Other people prefer to organise their games in advance on Warhorn and if you choose, you can prebook your days of gaming, and secure your seat.

First and foremost, ConTingency focuses on organising games, but you will find some wonderful tradestands, a Bring-and-Buy and the best ice-cream in the county.

Importantly... last year the event raised over £5,000 for charities.